Thursday, May 17, 2012

Alex Singing

Our wonderful babysitter Meaghan caught Alex singing in her stroller the other day and was so impressed with what she heard that she captured it on video.

Easter, Mother's Day and a little in between

I know we've let a little too much time pass between posts. I'm sure the delay has cost us some once-loyal viewers, but for the faithful blog checkers, here are some highlights of the last few months. A few notable changes that aren't captured in the photos, but are significant nonetheless:
1) Alex requests the song "Baa Baa Black Sheep" many times a day, demanding that it be sung to her or played on youtube (we have a dozen or so youtube variations of the song)
2) She loves being outside, and pretty regularly demands that we go outside, mostly for the purpose of...
3) ...blowing bubbles, or more specifically having us blow bubbles. Her favorite part of the bubble game is pouring out the bubble soap and saying "uh oh"